Once a Virtual Site Visit is complete, some clients are still too busy to specify and curate the exact items they need, even with our advise and guidance. For these individuals, we offer a specific “Specification and Procurement” (S&P) service. Our tier 3 S&P service takes what we do in our tier 2 VSV service and lands the actual items you need at your doorstep. Our VSV tells you the scale, placement and gives suggestions on standard items you could purchase to complete the look based on your desired outcome. Our S&P service actually specifies the exact pieces of artwork, bed toppers, decor items, surfaces, specific needed furnishings and theme concepts to complete your project using our venders and hidden retailers WYN uses every day.
We then procure them for you and have them drop shipped to your address. For wholesale items we charge raw cost + 40% (plus applicable tax and shipping) and for web retail items, we charge cost + 10% (plus applicable tax and shipping). (Retail is typically marked up from raw wholesale 100% to 300% with shipping included. with our 40% markup and shipping, you will come out ahead 30% or more!) Two things to note. 1) We must have a VSV completed to do an S&P. We can’t build the S&P without first doing the tier 2 VSV. 2) We only procure items that can be drop shipped. If an item requires a loading dock, we can’t coordinate such logistics at this time. Like the VSV, the cost of this service is dependent on the size of your property and takes us several days to complete.
Class A - (0 - 2,500 Sq/ft) is $2,500.00
Class B - (2,501 - 5,000 Sq/ft) is $3,250.00
Class C - (5,001 - 7,000 sq/ft) is $4,000.00
We will have your S&P back to you within 5 business days of your approval of the VSV and your approval of a specific budget that we are working within to complete you project. Note, we will tell you if your budget plan is realistic relative to what you are attempting to achieve. These reviews are very labor intensive but the output will save you weeks of time and more than pay for itself in savings.
Let us save your next project